温控面板|ⅠTemperature control panel

电热执行器|ⅠElectric actuator

单盘管 缓冲水箱|ⅠCistern

地暖混水中心| Floor heating mixed water center

PDM-1302 角式手动温控阀-卡套

本系列产品具有舒适、节能、安装方便、环保等特点, 可根据不同房间的需要选择舒适的温度。 温控头可以自动恒定居室的温度,节约能源

This series of products has the characteristics of comfort, energy saving, easy installation, environmental protection, etc. A comfortable temperature can be selected according to the needs of different rooms. The temperature control head can automatically keep the temperature of the room, saving

每年可节省20%能耗 普迪美温控阀系列可让您家中的每个房间都获 得高质量的热舒适度同时大大降低能耗成本。 Annual energy savings of 20% The Pudime range of temperature control valves can be found in every room of your home High quality thermal comfort while greatly reducing energy costs.

供暖成本为建筑总能耗的80%左右 安装恒温阀和自动调节温包可降低20%的能耗成本。 该系统可在现有建筑以及新建建筑内安装,适用范围广、受益面积大。 Heating costs are about 80% of the building's total energy consumption The installation of thermostatic valves and self-regulating temperature packs can reduce energy costs by 20%. The system can be installed in existin

PDM-1302 角式手动温控阀-卡套


适用介质 水、非腐蚀性液体、饱和蒸汽
最大工作压力 1.0MPa
适用温度 0℃ ~100℃
散热片接口 1/2外螺纹
支管接口 16-2.0/20-2.0
本体材质 CW617N


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